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Baptism is the Christian ritual of initiation. As it was originally practiced, new Christians were immersed in the waters of a river.

The symbolism at work in this ritual is twofold. Going under the water symbolizes the death of our old selves, our inward-looking, grudge-holding, power-seeking, injustice-loving selves. Rising out of the water symbolizes the birth of our new selves into the way of Jesus, a path of marked by humility, mercy, and self-giving love.

Following 1,000 years of Christian practice, at Hillside Community Church we offer baptism by sprinkling water over a person’s forehead rather than by dunking them in a river.

But no matter how it’s done, what’s important to remember is that baptism isn’t an end; it’s a beginning. Baptism isn’t for those who have all the answers; it’s for those individuals and families who have a simple desire to know and love God in the way of Jesus. That’s it! That’s all it takes!

frequently asked questions

Who can be baptized?

Hillside baptizes people of all ages – infants, children, and adults.

It’s important to note that baptism is a one-time thing. If you’ve been baptized before, you don’t need it done again. This is true even if you change churches or denominations. As Paul reminds us in his letter to the Ephesians: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism.

Where do baptisms take place?

In our particular flavor of Christianity, baptism is believed to be a gift from the congregation to the person being baptized. Practically, what that the means is that baptisms take place during our worship services so that our community can vow their love, prayer, and support to the person being baptized.

Most times, baptisms happen in our sanctuary by sprinkling water from a font over a person’s head. However, with advanced planning, we are able to offer full immersion baptism during the summer months at one of our outdoor worship services at Shannon Beach.

Should I baptize my child?

First off, please know that, baptized or not, your child is ALREADY infinitely precious in the eyes of God. As such, the work of baptism is not to prevent them from going to hell. Rather, baptism is about celebrating God’s love for your child and committing to raising them in the way of Jesus.

Should I be baptized?

If you are asking this question, then the answer is most likely YES! Baptism isn’t for those who have all the answers; it’s for those who are interested in knowing and loving God in the way of Jesus. It’s the first step on the journey not the last.

At a base level, you should be able to see your own spiritual journey reflected in the affirmation of faith that is included in every baptism service:

We believe in the boundless love of God, expressed through Jesus Christ.

We listen for God’s Word in prayer and scripture, and we celebrate the Spirit pervading all creation.

We believe in engaging with people authentically, as Jesus did, treating all as made in God’s image. We stand with the outcast and oppressed, seeking peace and justice, and preserving the church’s prophetic voice.

We walk humbly with God, acknowledging our shortcomings and seeking to understand others.

We base our lives on the faith that in Christ all things are made new and that we are loved beyond our wildest imaginations – for eternity.

We claim the sacredness of our minds and hearts, caring for our bodies, and taking time for prayer, reflection, worship, and recreation.

We act on the faith that we are born with meaning and purpose: To love boldly, serve faithfully, and live joyfully in God’s ever-extending realm of love. Amen.

When can I schedule a baptism?

Baptism is a gift that the church gives freely. With advance notice, we can baptize you or your child during any worship service. Just contact us and let us know when you would like to be baptized.