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Sunday Morning Volunteering

At Hillside Community Church, we believe that every person has a unique role to play in our life together. Sundays are a collective effort, and it’s the contributions of our community members that make our gatherings not just run smoothly but truly meaningful. Whether you’re new or have been around for a while, there’s always a way to get involved and make a difference.


As the first point of contact for people arriving on Sunday mornings, greeters set the tone with a warm smile and a friendly hello. Whether you’re holding the door, handing out bulletins, or pointing someone toward the sanctuary, your role is to make everyone—regular attendees and newcomers alike—feel genuinely welcomed and at ease.

Let Us Know What Sunday You Can Volunteer!

Scripture Readers

Bringing the words of the Bible to life, scripture readers play a key part in our worship. You’ll have the chance to read the assigned passages aloud during the service, helping others to connect with the story and message of the day. No dramatic flair required—just a clear voice and a heart for sharing the word.

Let Us Know What Sunday You Can Volunteer!

Coffee Hour Hosts

Coffee hour is a cornerstone of our church’s fellowship time, and coffee-hour hosts are the heroes behind the scenes who make it all happen. From setting out coffee and snacks to tidying up afterward, this role is about creating a space where people can linger, laugh, and connect after worship. A knack for hospitality (and maybe a love of good coffee) is all you need!

Let Us Know What Sunday You Can Volunteer!

Music & Creative Contributors

If you have a gift for music, theater, or other creative arts, this is your chance to shine! Musicians can contribute by singing, playing an instrument, or helping to lead congregational music. Theater enthusiasts or other creatives might assist with dramatic readings, skits, or visual storytelling to enhance worship. Your talents can help bring energy and depth to our Sunday experience.

Let Us Know What Sunday You Can Volunteer!

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