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transforming love

Stories & Articles About God’s Love

May You Be Hated
May You Be Hated

May You Be Hated

A blessing based on Matthew 10:22 for those who choose love, truth, and justice, even when it costs them.
Bishop of the Slums
Bishop of the Slums

Bishop of the Slums

Brazilian Archbishop Hélder Câmara was hated for all the right reasons.
Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis
Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis

Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis

Sometimes the truth comes from the people we least expect – if we’re willing to see it.
Debts, Trespasses, or Sins?
Debts, Trespasses, or Sins?

Debts, Trespasses, or Sins?

Not all translations of the Lord's Prayer are the same. Here's how they rank.
Millard Fuller
Millard Fuller

Millard Fuller

How one person's desire to love his neighbors sparked a global movement.
The Oakland Buddha

The Oakland Buddha

Why our seemingly small choices can have big consequences.
Grinches in Buckled Hats

Grinches in Buckled Hats

The Puritans and the original war on Christmas.
Cyclist Joe Papp

Cyclist Joe Papp

Why our seemingly small choices can have big consequences.
Bald’s Leechbook

Bald’s Leechbook

Viking medicine and the counterintuitive reason we're still talking about Jesus.

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Transforming Love is a collection of inspiring stories and articles about God’s love. Sign up to get updates delivered to your inbox.

One Love, Three Kinds of Stories

Transforming Love is a collection of stories and articles about God’s love. That’s a topic that has been written about for millennia but whose limits have yet to be reached! Because we can’t speak to the entirety of something so vast, these are our three areas of focus.

God's Love Is For You

These are stories about God’s love for you. The Christian journey begins with the recognition that you are unconditionally, irrevocably, ridiculously loved by God just as you are. Whoever you are, wherever you’ve been, whatever you’ve done in the course of your life, you are already loved and accepted.

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God's Love Is For Sharing

These are stories about loving others. God’s love is like a birthday cake: it’s something that’s meant to be shared and enjoyed with others. Sure, you could try to keep it all for yourself but love only gets better when you invite others to share in it with you!

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God's Love Is For Action

These are stories about love in action. Jesus didn’t just sit around and talk about loving people. He went out and fed people who were hungry, healed people who were sick, and welcomed people who had been rejected. It might not seem revolutionary, but it’s active love like this changes the world for the better.

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Hold My Mule

What an old Southern expression has to teach us about the love of God.

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Transforming Love Collection

This is our full collection of stories and articles about God’s love. Read them. Share them. And, most of all, be blessed by them!


Cyclist Joe Papp
Cyclist Joe PappGod's love is for action.

Cyclist Joe Papp

Why our seemingly small choices can have big consequences.
Blessed Are the… You!
Blessed Are the… You!God's love is for you.

Blessed Are the… You!

We tend to think that rich people are blessed people. Jesus has a different take.
Camp Aliceville
Camp AlicevilleGod's love is for you.

Camp Aliceville

How a controversial POW camp in Alabama became a radical experiment in loving our enemies.
Clean Your Room
Clean Your RoomGod's love is for action.

Clean Your Room

The important difference between talking about and actually doing God's word.
Bald’s Leechbook
Bald’s LeechbookGod's love is for action.

Bald’s Leechbook

Viking medicine and the counterintuitive reason we're still talking about Jesus.


Christianity practiced with a scowl is not Christianity.
General Motors and Jesus
General Motors and JesusGod's love is for you.

General Motors and Jesus

GM and JC agree: a new management style can make all the difference!
No More Than You Are
No More Than You AreGod's love is for you.

No More Than You Are

There is no need to pretend to be any more than you are.
Blind Spot
Blind SpotGod's love is for you.

Blind Spot

Greed has a way of sneaking into our lives without our ever noticing.
The Fritz Chess Database
The Fritz Chess DatabaseGod's love is for you.

The Fritz Chess Database

The Bible is more than just a rule book. If we use it right, it can prepare us for entirely new frontiers.
UnfairGod's love is for you.


By our standards, grace is a profoundly unfair thing. Thank God for that!
Millard Fuller
Millard Fuller

Millard Fuller

How one person's desire to love his neighbors sparked a global movement.
Bishop of the Slums
Bishop of the SlumsGod's love is for action.

Bishop of the Slums

Brazilian Archbishop Hélder Câmara was hated for all the right reasons.
Harvard Hijinx
Harvard HijinxGod's love is for you.

Harvard Hijinx

Harvard undergrads are a case study in the difference between wisdom and intelligence.
The Dunning-Kruger Effect
The Dunning-Kruger EffectGod's love is for you.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Why great boldness and great incompetence often go hand in hand a.k.a. why we should be humble.
Love in the Bible
Love in the BibleGod's love is for you.

Love in the Bible

There are just three words at the heart of the Bible's teachings on love.
A Tale of Two Pastors
A Tale of Two Pastors

A Tale of Two Pastors

Two pastors. Two approaches to other faiths. Which got it right?
Nonviolence Actually Works
Nonviolence Actually WorksGod's love is for action.

Nonviolence Actually Works

Jesus and Harvard researchers agree: nonviolence really is the best way.
Hold My Mule
Hold My Mule

Hold My Mule

This gospel classic is so powerful that people think its title comes from the Bible!
Lessons from Prostitutes
Lessons from Prostitutes

Lessons from Prostitutes

Prostitutes in the bible have a lot to teach us about withholding judgement.
Edwin Landseer
Edwin LandseerGod's love is for you.

Edwin Landseer

Edwin Landseer had a penchant for transforming blemishes into masterpieces. So does God!
Joy in Ecclesiastes
Joy in EcclesiastesGod's love is for you.

Joy in Ecclesiastes

What the most emo book of the Bible has to teach us about joy.
Forgiveness First
Forgiveness First

Forgiveness First

Our willingness to forgive others is a barometer of our spiritual health.
Tie Rack
Tie RackGod's love is for you.

Tie Rack

A child's craft project helps us wrap our minds around the gift of God's love.
The Oakland Buddha
The Oakland BuddhaGod's love is for action.

The Oakland Buddha

Why our seemingly small choices can have big consequences.
What is God’s love like?
What is God’s love like?God's love is for you.

What is God’s love like?

God's love is a hard thing to pin down. Here are some ways to think about it.
DysfunctionalGod's love is for you.


What dysfunctional marriage in the Bible can teach us about God's love.
Walk the Walk
Walk the WalkGod's love is for action.

Walk the Walk

As a Christian, you talk the talk, but do you walk the walk?
EverywhereGod's love is for action.


On being a faithful follower of Jesus both outside and inside the bedroom.
Redefining Strength
Redefining Strength

Redefining Strength

We need to change how we think about what it means to be strong.
Nap Like a Prophet
Nap Like a ProphetGod's love is for you.

Nap Like a Prophet

Not sure what to do in this uncertain moment? Take a (prophetic) nap!
Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis
Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis

Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis

Sometimes the truth comes from the people we least expect – if we’re willing to see it.
The Doxology
The DoxologyGod's love is for action.

The Doxology

A little song with a lot to teach us about becoming more loving.
SoakedGod's love is for you.


God has a habit of soaking in bad and turning it to good.
The Amazing Story of Bill Wilson
The Amazing Story of Bill Wilson

The Amazing Story of Bill Wilson

Abandoned as a child, Bill Wilson set out to help other children know they're loved.
A Letter from Emperor Julian
A Letter from Emperor JulianGod's love is for action.

A Letter from Emperor Julian

The Christian commitment to the poor is worthy of emulation - even by pagans!
How to Make the World Better
How to Make the World BetterGod's love is for action.

How to Make the World Better

How do you make the world better? Jesus offers an alternative to the Caesar's answer.
May You Be Hated
May You Be Hated

May You Be Hated

A blessing based on Matthew 10:22 for those who choose love, truth, and justice, even when it costs them.
One Thing We Can Agree On
One Thing We Can Agree On

One Thing We Can Agree On

When you’re butting heads with someone, here’s one thing you can agree on!


Jesus suggests that shamelessness is a Christian virtue.
Padre Mac
Padre MacGod's love is for you.

Padre Mac

A Scottish chaplain in a POW camp knows what it means to be truly free.
All Your Neighbors
All Your Neighbors

All Your Neighbors

When Jesus said, "Love your neighbors" you better believe he meant your LGBT+ neighbors too!


The Apostle Paul hopes that Christians will be more cringy.
Reconciliation in Rwanda
Reconciliation in RwandaGod's love is for action.

Reconciliation in Rwanda

Does belief or action come first? A radio program from Rwanda has the answer.
God’s Strength
God’s Strength

God’s Strength

The sunrise is a near perfect illustration of true strength.
Long-Handled Spoon
Long-Handled Spoon

Long-Handled Spoon

This Southernism offers us a great way to think about forgiveness.
Homeboy Industries
Homeboy IndustriesGod's love is for action.

Homeboy Industries

How a little love transformed the gang capital of the world.

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